7 easy ways to increase Instagram followers

In today’s article, we’ll cover the latest techniques to get more followers on Instagram.

1. Identify your audience.

Going through this process of understanding your audience is paramount.

Answer the following questions and write them down in a document:

What is the age group of your audience?
What is the target gender (predominantly male or female) or is it generic enough to target both?
What is their lifestyle like and what are the products they buy?
Who are 8 to 10 brands that interact with an audience similar to yours?
Is your audience centric to a certain location?
When you identify the following questions, you can easily figure out the kind of content to create, how often to create, and what kind of language you should have in your posts.

2. Identify your hashtags.

Hashtags might be annoying and not so useful on other platforms, but on Instagram, it’s the core of the platform.

There are good hashtags and there are bad hashtags.

Bad hashtags are ones that people just use to get a rapid following. “like4like” is an example of a bad hashtag that people use when they want to get and give likes. This attracts the wrong followers, and it makes sense to stay away from them.

Good hashtags identify the qualities of your business and your product, and they relate to your audience as well.

Hashtag Tip:

Some businesses are meticulous with their hashtags. You can create a bunch of hashtags for the following:

A hashtag for your brand as a whole. This can be the name of your brand combined with the products you sell.
A hashtag for your post. You can explain your post with hashtags. If you are a clothing brand and your post has a shirt with a penguin on it, some hashtag examples can be #shirtsformen or #penguinshirts.
A hashtag for your location. If your business is specific to a city, then you can add that as well. It helps in filtering out your audience.
Your own hashtag tagline. You can create your own company’s hashtag tagline. Make sure you use this across other channels and in your email communication as well. When this hashtag gains prominent.

3.Authorize the Facebook app to connect your Instagram accounts and other accounts.

Make sure to connect your Instagram and Facebook accounts. You can post directly to Facebook through Instagram.

When people see your content coming over from Instagram to Facebook, they will be encouraged to check you out on that platform as well if they like what they are seeing… and of course they will!

You can also add a custom tab to your Facebook Page!

4.Cross Pollinate On Periscope

Periscope has been HUGE for growing my following on Instagram and conneting with my audience.

I teach an Instagram Lesson every time I scope and drive traffic to Instagram from Periscope.

I also do live “Insta Audits” that brings people into my scopes and I have a #SueBSponsor on each scope so I can give live shout outs to all my creative friends!

5. Take Advantage Of Instagram DMs

Use Instagram DM to have a more intimate conversation and relationship with those that are following you!

You can send videos or photos via Instagram DM – it’s still not commonly used, so you immediately stand out when you use this strategy.

6. Share Images On Twitter Using IFTTT

Why?  Because sharing posts natively from Instagram to Twitter means the image won’t show unless you click on it.

IFTTT is a great tool that allows your Instagram Post to show up as an image in the feed and not as a link.  You only have a split second to get a reader’s attention.

In Twitter that is hard to do without an image and when news is moving so fast.  The IFTTT app makes sure your audience sees what you are talking about every time by posting the Instagram image instead of just the link.

7.Don’t Forget The Power Of Email

Make sure to remind your “list” that they should be following you on social media so they can more easily connect with you on the go.

This way they will not miss anything you are sharing because often times your content can differ depending on the platform.  You can also give them an example of how they can benefit from connecting outside of the newsletter.

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