Top 10 hacking android apps (2017 edition)


1. AndroRAT

AndroRAT stands for Android and RAT (Remote Administrative Tools). This top free hacking tool was released a long time ago as a client/server application. The app aims to give you the control of the Android system remotely and fetch the information from it. This Android app runs as a service right after the boot. So, a user doesn’t need to interact with the service. The app provides you the ability to trigger the server connection by a call or SMS.

The features in this useful Android hacking app include collecting information like contacts, call logs, messages, and location. The app also allows you to remotely monitor received message and state of phone, making a phone call and sending texts, taking picture from camera, opening URL in the default browser etc.

2. Hackode

The second entry on our list of top hacking Android apps for 2017 is Hackode. It is an app which is basically a collection of multiple tools for ethical hackers, IT specialists, and penetration testers. In the app, there are three modules –Reconnaissance, Scanning, Security Feed — available in the application.

With this app, you get the functionalities like Google hacking, SQL Injection, MySQL Server, Whois, Scanning, DNS lookup, IP, MX Records, DNS Dif, Security RSS Feed, Exploits etc. It’s a great Android hacking app to start with and it doesn’t ask for your private information to operate.


This is one the cool app that will allow to kill all the devices that being connected to the wifi network. Using this app, you can easily block the internet access to all other devices that connected to the same wifi network. So must try out this cool app on your Android device.

4. DSploit

dSploit is an Android network analysis and penetration suite which aims to offer to IT security experts/geeks the most complete and advanced techniques. It works on rooted Android.

5. FaceNiff

FaceNiff is a top Android hacking app that allows you to intercept and sniff your WiFi network traffic. This tool is widely used to snoop into people’s Facebook, Twitter and other social media websites using your Android device. This hacker-favorite tool steals cookies from WiFi network and gives an attacker an unauthorized access to victim’s account.

FaceNiff is developed by Bartosz Ponurkiewicz — the same developer who wrote Firesheep for Firefox hacking on the desktop.

6. Shark for Root

Shark for Root is an advanced tool for security experts and hackers. This tool works as a traffic snipper and works on Wi-Fi, 3G, and FroYo tethered mode. One can also use the tcpdump command for this free hacking app for rooted Android devices.

7. Droidsheep

Droidsheep is an effective hacking app developed for security analysts interested in playing with Wi-Fi networks. The app has the ability to hijack the web session profiles over a network and it works with almost all services and websites.

As you fire up the Droidsheep app, it acts a router that monitors and intercepts all the Wi-Fi network traffic and fetches the profiles of active sessions. With this app, one can sniff Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and other social media accounts.

DroidSheep Guard, another version of app, helps you to detect ARP-Snoofing on the networks i.e. the attacks by FaceNiff, Droidsheep, and other software.

8.Fing Networks Tools

This is one of the best network analyzer tools that works on your rooted Android. Find out which devices are connected to your Wi-Fi network in just a few seconds and this app is fast and accurate. Fing is a professional App for network analysis. A simple and intuitive interface helps you evaluate security levels, detect intruders and resolve network issues.

9. Burp Suite

Burp Suite is an integrated platform for performing security testing of web applications. Its various tools work seamlessly together to support the entire testing process, from initial mapping and analysis of an application’s attack surface, through to finding and exploiting security vulnerabilities.

10.SSLStrip for Android

SSLStrip is a tool that transparently hijacks HTTP traffic on a network, watch for HTTPS links and redirects, and then map those links into look-alike HTTP links or homograph-similar HTTPS links.You can download SSLStrip for Android from Google Playstore For free.

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